Dr. Mohamed Abd al-Razak al-Sufi

Aloe vera gel cover solution contains tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, terpenes, saponins and glycosides and the inhibition rate for the growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilispatches 63, 58, 65 and 57%, respectively, at a rate of 60.75% for the prepared coverage solution of aloe gel at a concentration of 5%, The inhibition rate was 66, 63, 70 and 64%, respectively, at a rate of 65.75% for the cactus gel covered solution at a concentration of 10% While the inhibition rate was 73, 68, 70 and 66%, respectively, at a rate of 69.25% for the solution of the prepared coverage of aloe vera gel at a concentration of 20%, The weight loss in the eggplant covered using sterile distilled water and the prepared coverage solution of aloe vera gel was 20% at 0.791 and 0.384% respectively on the tenth day of storage at 4 m warehousing “, while at 15.416 and 9.326 respectively on the 21st day of storage at 25m.

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