Center’s scientific activities

Center’s conferences and scientific symposiums
In its annual plan, the Center used to hold a comprehensive scientific conference on the occasion of World Consumer Day as well as symposiums selected according to the needs of institutions, market and consumer or problems that arise on the surface of reality.

Seminars scientific held at the Center

Seminars scientific held at the Center

1- Specialized symposium (Biosecurity and Consumer Protection).. In cooperation with the National Biotechnology Research Authority on 20 March 2002.

2- Specialized symposium (commercial fraud and consumer rights protection).. in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce on 14 August 2002.

3- Specialized symposium (developments of food health and safety and consumer protection).. in cooperation with the Ministry of Health on 5 August 2004.

4- Specialized symposium (the reality and prospects of mobile service in Iraq). on 26 June 2005.

5- Specialized symposium (Draft Consumer Protection Law in Iraq). In cooperation with the National Society for Consumer Protection of 31/6/2005.

6- Specialized symposium (ways to upgrade Iraq’s national industry). In cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals on 23 August 2005.

7-Specialized symposium (avian influenza epidemic and consumer protection).. on 26 October 2005.

8-Specialized symposium (impact of mobile phone use while driving vehicles). In cooperation with Iraqna Mobile Company on February 15, 2006.

9- Specialized seminar (the reality of the manufacture and marketing of Iraqi dates and prospects for their development). In cooperation with the Iraqi Company for the Marketing and Manufacture of Dates on 13 September 2006. An exhibition of various items and products of Iraqi dates has been set up.

10-Specialized seminar (towards healthy drinking water for Iraqi citizens). on 16 June 2007.

11-Specialized symposium (Development of the culture of mobile phone use in all Iraqi society). In collaboration with Iraqna Mobile Company on July 10, 2007.

12- Specialized symposium (cholera epidemic and consumer protection).. in the 26/9/2007.

13- Specialized Symposium (Leshmaniya Diseases “Baghdad Pills and Black Fever” and Consumer Health Protection). in the 6/5/2008.

14- The specialized symposium (the phenomenon of rising food prices globally and its impact on the Iraqi consumer). on 2/7/2008.

15- Specialized symposium (the reality of Internet service and its reflection on the Iraqi consumer) under the slogan “Science is the path of nations towards progress”. in 2008/12/23.

16- Specialized symposium (outlining the future of the ration card in Iraq in the light of the global economic crisis). In cooperation with the Faculty of Administration and Economics/Baghdad University in 2009/1/15.

17- Specialized symposium (children’s food and consumer protection in Iraq). In cooperation with the Iraqi Society for Nutrition and Food Safety, the National Society for Consumer Protection and the Iraqi Society for the Defence of Consumer Rights in 25/3/2009.

18- Specialized symposium (dumping policy and its impact on the national product). in the 29/4/2009.

19- Specialized symposium (swine flu and consumer protection).. In cooperation with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Baghdad University on 19/5/2009.

20- Specialized symposium (reality and prospects of SMS service in Iraq). In cooperation with Iraqna Mobile Company on 12/2/2010.

21- Specialized symposium (Challenges to marketing mechanisms for local poultry products and ways of advancing in Iraq). In cooperation with the Iraqi Federation of Poultry Producers in 15/4/2010.

22- Specialized symposium (nutritional supplements for athletes, health, economic and social effects). 15/12/2010.

23- The fourth meeting of the Baghdad Cultural Council was held in Baghdad. Future Insights).. 28/12/2010 .

24- Specialized symposium (provision of electricity is a consumer’s right). Wednesday, 27/4/2011.

25- The panel discussion (the impact of the port of Mubarak on the Iraqi market and economy). 28/12/2011.

26- Specialized symposium (the reality of health and medical services in Iraq and consumer rights). 25/12/2012.

27- Specialized symposium (consumer culture in Iraqi society and its impact on the management and construction of the State). 8/5/2013.

28- Specialized symposium (the State’s import policy and its relationship to consumer culture). 24/10/2013.


1. First Scientific Conference of the Center (Food Security and Consumer Rights Protection).. For the period 15 – 16 March 2005, in which 23 participated between the Ministry and civil society institutions, the Conference discussed (43) research in various areas.

2- 2nd Scientific Conference (Industrial, Commercial, Service and Consumer Protection). For the period from 15 – 16 March 2006, more than (25) government institutions and civil society organizations participated and (30) discussed a paper and a working paper at the Conference’s various themes.

3. Third Scientific Conference (the reality and prospects of the drug industry, marketing, safety and quality and its impact on the Iraqi consumer). For the period 18-19 March 2008, 31 ministries, government institutions, civil society organizations and a number of pharmaceutical manufacturers participated in the conference.

4. National Conference (Environmental Challenges.. Reality and ambition)… On Wednesday, 17 March 2010, 12 ministries (Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Environment, Health, Industry and Minerals, Science and Technology, Planning and Development Cooperation, Agriculture, Labour and Social Affairs, Finance, Culture, Oil, Water Resources, as well as the participation of relevant civil society organizations and the National Dialogue Forum, participated in the Conference from outside the country (Egypt and the United Arab).

5- Fifth Scientific Conference (towards a national strategy to protect our products from dumping policy).. Held in 15/3/2011 on the occasion of World Consumer Day, the Hakim Martyr’s Hall participated more than (25) Between ministries and government institutions (Ministry of Industry and Minerals) Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Property and Intellectual Disputes Commission, State Consultative Council, Iraqi Business Council Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Iraqi Businessmen, Federation of Iraqi Industries, Iraqi Industrial Association) as well as the participation of civil society organizations as well as representatives of the Office of Mr. Amar Al-Hakim, President and Members of the Scholars and National Competencies Entity, Movement for Iraqi National Reconciliation, Secretary-General of the People’s Uprising Rally. Academic gentlemen and researchers interested in the theme of the Conference.

6- Sixth Scientific Conference (Transport Services Reality and Prospects for Development in Iraq) under the slogan “Transport Sector Development Needs a Foundation for Advancement in Other Sectors”. Held on Wednesday, 14 March 2012, the Al-Hakim Martyr’s Hall, attended by (350) participants, who delivered specialized research at the Conference (39). The Conference was attended by a number of official and scientific personalities. Dr. Hassan Khudayr Shuwerd Al-Hamdani, Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Professor Mohammed Reza Al-Khafaji, Deputy of the Al-Harar Bloc, Member of the Services Committee and Six Jaleh Younis al-Pettiji, Member zi of the Council awab al (Investment Authority Representative/Salarmohammad Amin (Vice President of Investment Authority), a number of Baghdad Governorate Council attended (Baghdad Secretariat), representatives of ministries and institutions including the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research attended Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Electricity, Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Environment and representatives of Ministry of Transport formations attended (Iraqi Airways, General Shipping Company, General Rail Company, General Private Transport Management Company) and a number of researchers and interested civil society organizations and community-based colleges attended. The Conference’s work included a main session and four other sessions in which research, studies and working papers were presented, discussed and the most important recommendations elaborated. The research was diverse and covered various interlocutors. The conference was covered in the media by local television satellite channels with local radio stations, including the Iraqi Media Network, the University Channel, the Iraqi Channel, the Al-Masar Channel, the Rashid Satellite Channel, the Avaq Channel, the Peace Channel, the Al-Ittihad newspaper, the Iraqi Future newspaper, Radio Free Iraq Only, the University of Bagand the Ministry of Bagof Bag.

panel discussions

The Centre’s associates used to hold panel discussions, which are part of the annual research plan and scientific activities provided by the Centre. In this sense, these persons participate actively and practically in the event, whether through discussion and talk about specific situations or through other activities and work.