As part of the scientific activities and cooperation carried out by the Centre in cooperation with the various university and state institutions, a group of teachers from the Biological Research Unit visited the Faculty of Science of the University of Baghdad. M.L. ‘ d. Osman Samir and A ‘ M.L. ‘ d. Sinai Walid Mohamed Said and A. M.L. ‘ d. Messa Kazem Habbash and A. M.L. ‘ Hanan Javad Naif and M. d. The Jabar Abu al-Hor and M ‘ M.L. ‘ Noor al-Huda is honorary to the Center for Market Research and Consumer Protection on Monday 4/12/2023.

They were received by Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Jassem, Director of the Center, and welcomed their presence. During the meeting, they were introduced to the Market Research and Consumer Protection Centre in the Department of Research and Studies and the Department of Commodity Evaluation and Service Performance. (Chemical Analysis Laboratory, Atomic Absorption Laboratory, Microscopic Biology Laboratory and Advanced Machine Analysis Laboratory), with a number of Center Teachers (M). d. Fred Ali and M smile. M. Inas Najem Abdullah) and a number of technicians working in laboratories who were interested in explaining the nature of the work in each laboratory and the quality of the tests conducted on laboratory devices.

The visit aimed to familiarize teachers with the functioning of the Centre’s laboratories and highly competent laboratory devices, as well as acquire scientific and practical knowledge of students by familiarizing themselves with the field realities of laboratories, and communicate directly with experienced and specialized laboratories, with the aim of enriching the theoretical scientific curriculum with periodic field visits.

This visit is one of the many visits the Centre receives from various faculties of the University in achieving the University’s vision and upgrading scientific research locally and globally.

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